Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
1 mes..
Hoy hace ya un mes..y cada vez que hablo con alguno de ustedes se me cae el mundo encima..
ayer llegaron los italianos a madrid y estan todos juntos..hasta laura esta!! y yo aqui muerta del asco haciendo examenes para la escuela de idiomas..pero por lo menos espero q ustedes se lo esten pasando muy bien!! =)
No se olviden de mi eh!!
Lots of Loveeee
cLauuuu :)
Sunday, 12 August 2007
haCe poCo mas de una semana..
caDa canCion, caDa momento.. toDo..
les ecHo un monton de menos..
esta semana se me ha hecho eterna..
ojala pudieramos volver 5 semanas atras..
darnos otra oportunidad para estar todos juntos..vivir todo de nuevo..
nunCa podRe olvidarles y les recordare todos los dias..
Friday, 3 August 2007
My last post in Queenswood...
Also my last post HERE too...
I will miss this a lot..not the lessons..the people, some teachers, of course some AOs, the place..(it's very beautiful)...
so I just wanted to say that I'll miss this a lot...
Lots of Love ppl!! I hope I see you again!!
Thursday, 2 August 2007
no se pero a veces me pongo a pensar y me dan ganas de dar marcha atras en el tiempo y volver a ese dia en el aeropuerto cuando nos vimos todos por primera vez, vivir todos esos momentos que nos ha dado tiempo a vivir en estas 4 semanas...buenos y malos, pero siempre, siempre, con final feliz.
El dia en que se fueron los de los primeros 15 dias...fue horrible, y no queriamos aceptarlo...nos metimos en la cabeza que se iban de excursion pero que tarde o temprano volverian...pero solo era una idea imposible...y cuando volvimos de canterbury y vimos a los nuevos.. se nos cayo el mundo era por estar en contra de los nuevos...era porque no eran los mismos de antes... los mismos con los que compartimos todos esos momentos horas antes de que ellos llegaran...poco a poco nos fuimos acostumbrando a verlos dia a dia, cosa que no significa que nos hubieramos olvidado de los de antes, sino que teniamos que aceptarlo,que esa excursion no acabaria...
Ahora estamos nosotros en el mismo lugar que hace 2 semanas, nos vamos y dejamos atras momentos acumulados de 4 semanas.. con todo tipo de personas, con todo tipo de momentos...
Momentos inolvidables..
Sobra decir que les echo y les echare un monton de menos, que gracias por todos los momentos esos. Q' les quiero y nunca les olvidare.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
a los primeros...
thank you...

Tuesday, 31 July 2007
mas fotoooooos :)
_ _ _ _ caricature!!
Monday, 30 July 2007
our last weekend!! =)
Finally...OUR LAST WEEK!!!! =)
This weekend was reaaaaaally good, we went shopping!! yeeeeeees!!
All the Saturday in London, first we went to an art gallery and Oxford street!!
there was a lot of people, but a lot of stores too!!
It was really funny!!
It was really good, we had a lot of fun, and of course, we saw how the AOs danced!! hehehe it was really really funny!! Alfredo is the best one, but Ben too!! Don't be jealous Ben...
At Sunday some of us went to Thorpe park, they said it was really good and...without queues...
But the rest staid at the school and did some activities and in the evening, the sport evening, a lot of sport and of course a lot of fun, eggs and water!!
And of course a champion team...THE "7"!!!
We're the champions!!!
OK that's all for today hehehe
Friday, 27 July 2007
Wednesday excursion...
it was a little bit boring...oooooonly a little bit eh!!
That's why the staff met us in the cafeteria two and a half hours before the meeting hehehe...
Then we went to the Science Museum...
This one was a little bit better..but the things I saw were for children...but it was funny!! hehehe
I can't believe that tomorrow is Saturday!!! We are going to Oxford Street!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEES FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
It's like a dream...I don't want to wake up!!
CUL8 =)
Lots of Love!!
Thursday, 26 July 2007
te echo un monton de menos smaRtieeee!!
Cuando llegue a tenerife ya sabes lo que hay verdad??
Fiesta fiesta fiesta!!!
Enana te echo un monton de menos, gracias por estar aguantandome estas 3 semanas mandandome emails todos los dias y algun mensajillo jejeje almenos una persona que se acuerda de mi...pues gorda, eres muuuuu importante para mi y te aprecio mucho, eres una de las mejores cosas que me ha podido pasar en la vida y que me ha hecho levantarme de cada tropiezo. Siempre has estado ahi para apoyarme y por todo eso ahora eres una de las personas mas importantes para mi
what has change??
They ask me to write about what has change in, I'm going to answer:
I'm not going to lie you..
This week isn't to different...
it is...strange...but the food is the same, the weather, too. The teachers and the classes, too.
The only one thing that has change is that all my friends aren't here and i miss them a lot...but a lot of new ppl is coming and i hope that we can be good friends, too. But apart of that..all is the same...
Claus, Pablo, Xuty, LOLA!!, Italianitos, Cristina, Andrea, Patti, Ansel, y otros muchos que aunque ahora mismo no me vengan a la cabeza se que estan ahi y van a estar ahi para siempre!!
cLau Rein y yo ~ Que recuerDos...teQuiero!
Bello,marChini,Luca,Albertini, Alvar, Pablete y Jorge
~Los echo y echare de menos chicos!!!~
Pablete ya se que esta foto no te gustaba pero que sepas que la pongo para que la gente sepa q eres el mejor nada mas...Que te echo mucho de menos...ayyy mi granainooo (o granadiense jejeje) nunca te olvidaremos, gracias por esos momentos que aunque era casi imposible hacernos reir tu lo intentabas, y lo consegias...saludos a spiderman jejeje ~teQuiero!Albertini del mio cuore...i haven't words for u!!tu sei il...i don't remember hehehe you are the best!! Mi favourite italian boy...(and luchini, gualbs y marchini too, of course!!) ti mancheroooo hehehehe THNKS 4 everythinG!!
Titini,yo,LauRa,andRea y de los primeros dias...ojala pudieramos parar el tiempo no??...I miss u!! :(
Andreaaaaaa, cLau Rein (aunque no se le vea la cara, que tipico,) yo y patti haciendo el bobo :) las Quiero cHurriminas!!
andRea, cLau Rein, ahora yo, haciendo el bobo...y patti!!!! muaKaaaaaa!!
LoLa y yo...siempre estare contigo, animandote y apollandote para lo que sea!! TeQuiero
Lau,Lola y yo...Que momentazos chicas!!
ultima foto con lola...en Queenswood!! habra mil millones mas!! te Queremos Lola!!! (Sandra,Lola,yo,Klau,Lau,Lucia y Bob Esponja jejeje (ana!!))
Monday, 23 July 2007
the 1. day of my last 2 weeks
Today begin my 3. week...
I'm ill because the weather is horrible...
The food now is better...but only the first 3 days i think, and only because the new people...
Now i must answer a few questions from Kat... now the e-com lessons aren't the same...
I MISS U PPL!!! the answers:
- A blog is an online - diary.
- I think ppl write blogs because they want that all the other ppl know something about they and to learn new ppl...
- I think that it's good to learn english writing a blog coz you learn with fun and telling about about something that you don't want
- You can learn writing a blog because you write everyday something and that's good for your writing and if you read the blog of other ppl you can understand better the English language
Lots of Loveeeee =)
Saturday, 21 July 2007
mi mancherai!!!
2 semanas aQui encerraDa...y 2 que me queDan...
esto se me esta hacienDo interminabLe... :( porfavoR secuetrenme!!
pero en estas 2 semanas he conociDo a un monton de gente "debuty" que me han pegaDo palabRas que jamas pense en utilizaR...(debuty, mazo, chaval, ...) pero lo que jamas conseguiran pegarme es...autobus!!! GUAGUA por siempre =) y mucho menos patata.. me niego ¬¬
Tambien esta gentecilla de Queenswood ha conseguido grabar en mi mente algo que jamas nadie me podra borrar...momentos inolvidables que seran guardados por fotos y esos recuerdos...en el ultimo dia de la mayoria de esta "gentuza" (jijiji) y nos hemos puesto un poquillo sentimentales todos asi que me dejo de boberias mejor... =)
La spanish people siempre armandola...ay mi "granadiense"...y klau que se enfada por todo...nunca olvidaremos la raya negra de andrea... jejeje y esos italianos...que italianos...jejeje're the best!! thnks 4 all!! mi mancherai!! ^^...ostia ostia =D
Luchini...ti manchero!! :P... hehehe i'll miss you,too hehehe, no pompini...
Marchiniiii...MOLESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! u're crazy and molesto!! but i'll miss u too... =)
Gualbs!! without u what i'm going to do in the lessons...?? mi mancherai a lot!!!!! never forget me please!!!
the day I go to genoVa with the other cLau and LoLilla we'll call u!!
Pues en fin...todos los demas saben que los quiero MAZO y que les voy a echar MAZO de menos asi que creo q no hace falta que les diga nada no??
graxe x tutto =)
Friday, 20 July 2007
my last day here!!
I hate this class because we only do blogs..
I had a good time in Queenswood but it could be better.. I'm happy because I go to Spain tomorrow :-)
I make very good friends..I'll miss them a lot..
But i hate some teachers like "THE BOOMIE" lol..
I learn English here..
Never see u again!
..[klau].. TheBlond*
the last post...from this 2 weeks...
My last post...this week :(
Yes...i'm staying here 2 more weeks...don't tell me i'm crazy coz I know it...
I just wanted to say that I'll miss a lot all the people I met this 2 weeks and this people who made this 2 weeks funnier...
Please don't forget me coz I'm not going to forget u never!!
cld____! (bcn), kLau!! (rubia madrid), patRy!! :) , anDreaaaaaa (girL =D), my itaLian boys!! ( AlbeRtini, Luchini and Marchiniiii), pabLete (gRanaDa), carLos, mozarelina!!,oleG... and all this Spanish and Italian people...they know who they are...thnks!!
and then to the ppl that are staying here, of course!!
LoLaaaa!!, LauRa, sandRa, beRniiiiiS, etc....
And to all the people that is coming...GOOD LUCK!! you'll need it hehehehe
Bye!! (L)
Thursday, 19 July 2007
one of my last blogs...!! please!!
How re u??
I must write a conversation with shortwritting...
I'm "stancaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"...
AFAIK this days will be raining...
The food is horrible!! KWIM??
IMO we must have shopping time....because without this time is boooooooooooooooooooring...
Yesterday i had English lessons with TOBYE LOL^^ it was really funny...and BEN...i must give u something...can u remember??
Yesterday we went to London!! It was very good shopping was a little bit boring but...ok...
3 more days and then all the people is leaving...but a few of us are staying me...yujuuuu!!
I hope you had a great time!!
See you!! :)
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
~...onLy 3 more weeks...onLy...~
Here am i again...i haven't see the sun for 1 week!! its horrible!!!
The classes are really boring but the freetime sometimes is good...SOMETIMES...
Now only 3 weeks more..."yujuuu"
OK for today this is enough...
cLauuuu (L)
Friday, 13 July 2007
I'm claudia..i don't want to writte this..queenswood is very funny..but i hate the classes
tomorrow we will go to cambridge!..
my itaLian boys!!!:) ~ (cLau teneRife)
We hate the blog and using this computer....
We love Cannavaro, Materazzi, Mussolini, Pizza, and ecc,...
In this College we are tired and the food is very very very very Bad.......
but i like this college...
Thursday, 12 July 2007
we came from Genoa, Italy and we must stay here for two weeks.....
Yesterday we went to Madam Tussuad, we funny together when we saw horror s room........
and the famous people...the best was Hitler we loved it and we think that he was a very good and nice person while when we saw Fidel Castro we were angry and say communist bastard!!!!!....
here the weather is very bad like the food, but the college is very beautiful!!!
Tu madreeeeeeeeeeeee a nice bye bye
it's boring, very boring. OK ciao ;)
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Hi!!! Here we're!!! the beSt team eveR :)
We are here to learn english. Our names are Alberto, Klaudia, Luca and Claudia. We are in England in a summer school at queenswood. We are 14, 15 and 16 years old. We come from spain and italy.
See u lateR :)